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PubMed Central Journals
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PubMed Central (PMC) is a free full-text archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health's National Library of Medicine (NIH/NLM).
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PMC Journals
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2376-0605AACE Clinical Case Reports
1550-7416The AAPS Journal  (v.1;1999)
1530-9932AAPS PharmSciTech
2515-9321AAS Open Research
1925-3621Academic Forensic Pathology
2374-2895Academic Pathology
2516-8290Access Microbiology
2326-3253ACG Case Reports Journal
2578-5745ACR Open Rheumatology
2374-7943ACS Central Science
1948-7193ACS Chemical Neuroscience
1948-5875ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters
2470-1343ACS Omega
2575-9108ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science
0392-4203Acta Bio Medica : Atenei Parmensis
1672-9145Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica
1011-6842Acta Cardiologica Sinica
0102-8650Acta Cirúrgica Brasileira
0353-9466Acta Clinica Croatica
2052-5192Acta Crystallographica Section B, Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials
2056-9890Acta Crystallographica Section E: Crystallographic Communications  (v.64;2008)
2053-2733Acta Crystallographica. Section A, Foundations and Advances
2053-2296Acta Crystallographica. Section C, Structural Chemistry
2059-7983Acta Crystallographica. Section D, Structural Biology
2053-230XActa Crystallographica. Section F, Structural Biology Communications  (v.61;2005)
0001-5547Acta Cytologica
1841-0987Acta Endocrinologica (Bucharest)
0001-5792Acta Haematologica
0044-5991Acta Histochemica et Cytochemica
0353-8109Acta Informatica Medica
1392-0138Acta Medica Lituanica
1128-2460Acta Myologica
2075-8251Acta Naturae
2051-5960Acta Neuropathologica Communications
1745-3674Acta Orthopaedica
1017-995XActa Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica
1413-7852Acta Ortopedica Brasileira
0392-100XActa Otorhinolaryngologica Italica
2211-3835Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica. B
1671-4083Acta Pharmacologica Sinica
2058-4601Acta Radiologica Open  (v.1;2012)
0001-7019Acta Stomatologica Croatica
0044-605XActa Veterinaria Scandinavica
2586-6052Acute and Critical Care  (v.32;2017)
2052-8817Acute Medicine & Surgery
2008-4633Addiction & Health
1940-0632Addiction Science & Clinical Practice  (v.1;2002)
2352-8532Addictive Behaviors Reports
1179-318XAdolescent Health, Medicine and Therapeutics
2277-9175Advanced Biomedical Research
2588-400XAdvanced Journal of Emergency Medicine
2228-5881Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin
2198-3844Advanced Science
1178-6949Advances and Applications in Bioinformatics and Chemistry : AABC
1687-8027Advances in Bioinformatics
1895-1171Advances in Cognitive Psychology
0895-9374Advances in Dental Research
1642-395XAdvances in Dermatology and Allergology/Postȩpy Dermatologii i Alergologii
1687-9104Advances in Hematology
1179-7258Advances in Medical Education and Practice
2356-6752Advances in Medicine
2161-8313Advances in Nutrition
2090-3464Advances in Orthopedics
2633-4690Advances in Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical Sciences  (v.2008;2008)
1043-4046Advances in Physiology Education
2090-3480Advances in Preventive Medicine
2452-1094Advances in Radiation Oncology
2059-0628Advances in Simulation
1687-6369Advances in Urology
1687-8639Advances in Virology
2162-1918Advances in Wound Care
2472-5390AEM Education and Training
1090-820XAesthetic Surgery Journal
2631-4797Aesthetic Surgery Journal. Open Forum
1680-6905African Health Sciences
2223-9170African Journal of Disability
2211-419XAfrican Journal of Emergency Medicine
2006-0165African Journal of Infectious Diseases
2225-2002African Journal of Laboratory Medicine
0189-6725African Journal of Paediatric Surgery: AJPS
2071-2928African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine
2617-0191African Journal of Thoracic and Critical Care Medicine
0189-6016African Journal of Traditional, Complementary, and Alternative Medicines
0002-0729Age and Ageing
1945-4589Aging (Albany NY)
2152-5250Aging and Disease
1474-9718Aging Cell
2475-0360Aging Medicine
1087-2914AIDS Patient Care and STDs
0889-2229AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses
1742-6405AIDS Research and Therapy
2090-1240AIDS Research and Treatment
2471-1888AIMS Microbiology
2373-8006AIMS Neuroscience
2327-8994AIMS Public Health
2158-3226AIP Advances
0195-6108AJNR: American Journal of Neuroradiology
2157-6998AJP Reports
0735-0414Alcohol and Alcoholism (Oxford, Oxfordshire)
2168-3492Alcohol Research : Current Reviews  (v.18;1994)
1748-7188Algorithms for Molecular Biology : AMB
2512-8957Allergologie Select
2152-6575Allergy & Rhinology
1088-5412Allergy and Asthma Proceedings
2092-7355Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Research
1710-1484Allergy, Asthma, and Clinical Immunology : Official Journal of the Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
2352-8729Alzheimer's & Dementia : Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring
2352-8737Alzheimer's & Dementia : Translational Research & Clinical Interventions
1758-9193Alzheimer's Research & Therapy
2191-0855AMB Express
2523-1995AME Case Reports
1942-2962American Health & Drug Benefits
1059-0889American Journal of Audiology
2160-1992American Journal of Blood Research
2156-6976American Journal of Cancer Research
2160-200XAmerican Journal of Cardiovascular Disease
1941-5923The American Journal of Case Reports
2164-7712American Journal of Clinical and Experimental Immunology
2330-1910American Journal of Clinical and Experimental Urology
0002-9165The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
0002-9173American Journal of Clinical Pathology
The American Journal of Dental Science
0002-9262American Journal of Epidemiology
1079-2082American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy: AJHP
0002-9297American Journal of Human Genetics
0895-7061American Journal of Hypertension
1559-8276American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine
1557-9883American Journal of Men's Health
0250-8095American Journal of Nephrology
2165-591XAmerican Journal of Neurodegenerative Disease
2160-8407American Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
0272-9490The American Journal of Occupational Therapy
2451-9936American Journal of Ophthalmology Case Reports
0002-9440The American Journal of Pathology  (v.1;1896)
0002-9459American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education
0363-6143American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology
0193-1849American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism
0193-1857American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology
0363-6135American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology
1040-0605American Journal of Physiology - Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology
0363-6119American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology
1931-857XAmerican Journal of Physiology - Renal Physiology
2666-6677American Journal of Preventive Cardiology
0090-0036American Journal of Public Health  (v.1;1891)
1073-449XAmerican Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
1044-1549American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology
1945-8924American Journal of Rhinology & Allergy
1058-0360American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology
2160-4150American Journal of Stem Cells
1943-8141American Journal of Translational Research
0002-9637The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
1942-597XAMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings  (v.;1977)
2153-4063AMIA Summits on Translational Science Proceedings  (v.2008;2008)
1083-446XAmphibian & Reptile Conservation
2637-3726Anaesthesia Reports
0365-0596Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia
0889-9401The Analysis of Verbal Behavior  (v.1;1982)
2590-1346Analytica Chimica Acta: X
2210-7177Analytical Cellular Pathology (Amsterdam)  (v.13;1997)
1177-3901Analytical Chemistry Insights
2149-2263Anatolian Journal of Cardiology
2093-3665Anatomy & Cell Biology
2090-2743Anatomy Research International
0257-7941Ancient Science of Life
1975-5171Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
0003-3006Anesthesia Progress  (v.1;1954)
0259-1162Anesthesia, Essays and Researches
2228-7523Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine
1687-6962Anesthesiology Research and Practice
0003-3219The Angle Orthodontist
2765-0189Animal Bioscience  (v.25;2012)
1976-8354Animal Cells and Systems
2160-6056Animal Frontiers: The Review Magazine of Animal Agriculture
2524-4671Animal Microbiome
2096-5451Animal Models and Experimental Medicine
2405-6545Animal Nutrition
1806-9614Animal Reproduction
2076-2615Animals : an Open Access Journal from MDPI
0517-8606Annales Nestlé
1824-0852Annali di Stomatologia
1943-2461Annals of Advances in Automotive Medicine / Annual Scientific Conference  (v.42;1998)
1596-3519Annals of African Medicine
0883-6612Annals of Behavioral Medicine: A Publication of the Society of Behavioral Medicine
0305-7364Annals of Botany
1592-9558Annals of Burns and Fire Disasters
0971-9784Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia
2225-319XAnnals of Cardiothoracic Surgery
2328-9503Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology
1476-0711Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials
2287-9714Annals of Coloproctology  (v.26;2010)
1013-9087Annals of Dermatology
1544-1709Annals of Family Medicine
2475-0328Annals of Gastroenterological Surgery
1108-7471Annals of Gastroenterology
1744-859XAnnals of General Psychiatry  (v.1;2002)
2508-4798Annals of Geriatric Medicine and Research
2214-9996Annals of Global Health
2508-5778Annals of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery  (v.15;2011)
1597-1627Annals of Ibadan Postgraduate Medicine
0972-2327Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology
2110-5820Annals of Intensive Care
2234-3806Annals of Laboratory Medicine  (v.31;2011)
2231-0746Annals of Maxillofacial Surgery
2141-9248Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research
0743-3131Annals of Medical History
0785-3890Annals of Medicine
2049-0801Annals of Medicine and Surgery
0972-7531Annals of Neurosciences
1082-720XAnnals of Noninvasive Electrocardiology
0250-6807Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism
2052-4374Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
0923-7534Annals of Oncology
0974-2069Annals of Pediatric Cardiology
2287-1012Annals of Pediatric Endocrinology & Metabolism
2234-0645Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine
0256-4947Annals of Saudi Medicine
0003-4932Annals of Surgery
1750-1164Annals of Surgical Innovation and Research
2288-6575Annals of Surgical Treatment and Research  (v.80;2011)
2329-6933Annals of the American Thoracic Society
0013-8746Annals of the Entomological Society of America
0003-4967Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases
0035-8843Annals of The Royal College of Surgeons of England
1341-1098Annals of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
1817-1737Annals of Thoracic Medicine
2305-5839Annals of Translational Medicine
1425-9524Annals of Transplantation
1881-641XAnnals of Vascular Diseases
2398-7308Annals of Work Exposures and Health
2516-4236Antibody Therapeutics
0066-4804Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy
2047-2994Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control
1523-0864Antioxidants & Redox Signaling
0956-3202Antiviral Chemistry & Chemotherapy
2041-2851AoB Plants
2325-4637AORTA Journal
2473-2877APL Bioengineering
1178-704XThe Application of Clinical Genetics
2168-0450Applications in Plant Sciences
2212-0661Applied & Translational Genomics
0099-2240Applied and Environmental Microbiology  (v.1;1953)
1176-2322Applied Bionics and Biomechanics
1869-0327Applied Clinical Informatics
0003-6900Applied Mechanics Reviews
2287-5123Applied Microscopy
0003-6951Applied Physics Letters
0146-6216Applied Psychological Measurement
2218-8185APSP Journal of Case Reports
2046-9063Aquatic Biosystems  (v.1;2005)
2090-598XArab Journal of Urology
1543-8120The Arabidopsis Book
2363-9822Archives Animal Breeding
2645-4904Archives of Academic Emergency Medicine  (v.1;2013)
2345-4644Archives of Bone and Joint Surgery
0887-6177Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology
2287-1152Archives of Craniofacial Surgery
0003-9888Archives of Disease in Childhood
1359-2998Archives of Disease in Childhood. Fetal and Neonatal Edition
0004-1254Archives of Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology
1734-1922Archives of Medical Science : AMS
2451-0629Archives of Medical Sciences. Atherosclerotic Diseases
1300-0667Archives of Neuropsychiatry
2057-0082Archives of Physiotherapy
2234-6163Archives of Plastic Surgery
0778-7367Archives of Public Health
2590-1095Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical Translation
2148-5046Archives of Rheumatology
2251-953XArchives of Trauma Research
1405-9940Archivos de Cardiología de México
0066-782XArquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia
0102-6720Arquivos Brasileiros de Cirurgia Digestiva : ABCD
2050-3369Arrhythmia & Electrophysiology Review
1478-6354Arthritis Research & Therapy  (v.1;1999)
2352-3441Arthroplasty Today
2212-6287Arthroscopy Techniques
2666-061XArthroscopy, Sports Medicine, and Rehabilitation
1949-095XArtificial DNA, PNA & XNA
1735-3955ARYA Atherosclerosis
2322-5718Asia Oceania Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Biology
2233-8276Asia Pacific Allergy
1444-1683Asia Pacific Family Medicine
2347-5625Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing
2214-6873Asia-Pacific Journal of Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy, Rehabilitation and Technology
1793-8759Asian Bioethics Review
1008-682XAsian Journal of Andrology
1793-5482Asian Journal of Neurosurgery
1818-0876Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
2008-000XAsian Journal of Sports Medicine
0973-6247Asian Journal of Transfusion Science
2214-3882Asian Journal of Urology
1513-7368Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention : APJCP
2221-1691Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine
2222-1808Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease
1976-1902Asian Spine Journal
2373-6658Asian/Pacific Island Nursing Journal
1759-0914ASN NEURO
1540-658XAssay and Drug Development Technologies
2054-7064Asthma Research and Practice
0212-6567Atencion Primaria
2690-7097ATS Scholar
1420-3030Audiology & Neurotology
2039-4330Audiology Research
1836-6864Australasian Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine
1836-1935The Australasian Medical Journal
1743-8462Australia and New Zealand Health Policy
0312-8008Australian Prescriber
2090-1925Autism Research and Treatment
2090-0422Autoimmune Diseases
2038-0305Autoimmunity Highlights
1759-4499Automated Experimentation
2236-1960Autopsy & Case Reports
2008-2835Avicenna Journal of Medical Biotechnology
2231-0770Avicenna Journal of Medicine
2228-7930Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine
1311-0160Balkan Journal of Medical Genetics : BJMG
2146-3123Balkan Medical Journal
2168-023XBariatric Surgical Practice and Patient Care
2051-4190Basic and Clinical Andrology
2008-126XBasic and Clinical Neuroscience
2214-6474BBA Clinical
2056-807XBDJ Open
1998-1929Behavior Analysis in Practice
1744-9081Behavioral and Brain Functions : BBF
1045-2249Behavioral Ecology
0896-4289Behavioral Medicine
2076-328XBehavioral Sciences
0953-4180Behavioural Neurology
2190-4286Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology
1860-5397Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry
2167-6461Big Data
2452-199XBioactive Materials
1330-0962Biochemia Medica
0264-6021Biochemical Journal
2405-5808Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports
1178-6264Biochemistry Insights
2090-2247Biochemistry Research International  (v.2008;2008)
2214-0085Biochimie Open
1756-0381BioData Mining
1314-2828Biodiversity Data Journal
2332-8886Bioelectronic Medicine
2165-5979Bioengineered  (v.1;2010)
2380-6761Bioengineering & Translational Medicine
2228-5652BioImpacts : BI
1177-9322Bioinformatics and Biology Insights
1565-3633Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications
1480-9222Biological Procedures Online
0716-9760Biological Research
1099-8004Biological Research for Nursing
1177-5475Biologics : Targets & Therapy
2195-5840Biologics in Therapy
1745-6150Biology Direct
1744-9561Biology Letters
2396-8923Biology Methods & Protocols
2045-5380Biology of Mood & Anxiety Disorders
0006-3363Biology of Reproduction
2042-6410Biology of Sex Differences
0860-021XBiology of Sport
2046-6390Biology Open
1477-044XBiomagnetic Research and Technology
1177-2719Biomarker Insights
2050-7771Biomarker Research
1179-299XBiomarkers in Cancer
1752-0363Biomarkers in Medicine
2641-5275Biomaterial Investigations in Dentistry  (v.1;2015)
1226-4601Biomaterials Research
2314-6133BioMed Research International  (v.1;2001)
1742-5581Biomedical Digital Libraries
1179-5972Biomedical Engineering and Computational Biology
2093-9868Biomedical Engineering Letters
1475-925XBioMedical Engineering OnLine
1823-5530Biomedical Imaging and Intervention Journal
1178-2226Biomedical Informatics Insights
2319-4170Biomedical Journal
2156-7085Biomedical Optics Express
2049-9434Biomedical Reports
2296-6870Biomedicine Hub
2214-7535Biomolecular Detection and Quantification
1976-9148Biomolecules & Therapeutics
0006-3495Biophysical Journal
1867-2450Biophysical Reviews
2189-4779Biophysics and Physicobiology  (v.1;2005)
1947-5535Biopreservation and Biobanking
1751-0759BioPsychoSocial Medicine
2164-7844BioResearch Open Access
2186-6953Bioscience of Microbiota, Food and Health  (v.30;2011)
0144-8463Bioscience Reports
1465-4644Biostatistics (Oxford, England)
2190-572X3 Biotech
1754-6834Biotechnology for Biofuels
1554-169XBiotechnology Healthcare
0730-031XBiotechnology Law Report
2215-017XBiotechnology Reports
2090-3138Biotechnology Research International
2058-5349BJA Education
0007-0912BJA: British Journal of Anaesthesia
2398-3795BJGP Open
2056-4694BJPsych Bulletin  (v.38;2014)
2056-4740BJPsych International  (v.1;2003)
2056-4724BJPsych Open
2513-9878BJR Open
2055-7159BJR | Case Reports
2474-9842BJS Open
2473-9529Blood Advances
1179-9889Blood and Lymphatic Cancer: Targets and Therapy
2044-5385Blood Cancer Journal
0253-5068Blood Purification
2287-979XBlood research  (v.45;2010)
1723-2007Blood Transfusion
1976-6696BMB Reports
1471-2253BMC Anesthesiology
1471-2091BMC Biochemistry
1471-2105BMC Bioinformatics
1741-7007BMC Biology
2524-4426BMC Biomedical Engineering
2046-1682BMC Biophysics  (v.1;2008)
1472-6750BMC Biotechnology
1471-2407BMC Cancer
1471-2261BMC Cardiovascular Disorders
1472-6769BMC Chemical Biology
2661-801XBMC Chemistry  (v.1;2007)
1472-6890BMC Clinical Pathology
2662-7671BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies  (v.1;2001)
1471-5945BMC Dermatology
1471-213XBMC Developmental Biology
1472-6815BMC Ear, Nose, and Throat Disorders
1472-6785BMC Ecology
2730-7182BMC Ecology and Evolution  (v.1;2001)
1471-227XBMC Emergency Medicine
1472-6823BMC Endocrine Disorders
1471-2296BMC Family Practice
1471-230XBMC Gastroenterology
2730-6844BMC Genomic Data  (v.1;2000)
1471-2164BMC Genomics
1471-2318BMC Geriatrics
1472-6963BMC Health Services Research
2052-1839BMC Hematology  (v.1;2001)
1471-2172BMC Immunology
1471-2334BMC Infectious Diseases
1472-698XBMC International Health and Human Rights
1472-6920BMC Medical Education
1472-6939BMC Medical Ethics
1471-2350BMC Medical Genetics
1755-8794BMC Medical Genomics
1471-2342BMC Medical Imaging
1472-6947BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making
1756-6649BMC Medical Physics  (v.1;2001)
1471-2288BMC Medical Research Methodology
1741-7015BMC Medicine
1471-2180BMC Microbiology
2661-8850BMC Molecular and Cell Biology  (v.1;2000)
1471-2199BMC Molecular Biology
1471-2474BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders
1471-2369BMC Nephrology
1471-2377BMC Neurology
1471-2202BMC Neuroscience
1472-6955BMC Nursing
2055-0928BMC Nutrition
2052-9538BMC Obesity
1471-2415BMC Ophthalmology
1472-6831BMC Oral Health
1472-684XBMC Palliative Care
1471-2431BMC Pediatrics
2050-6511BMC Pharmacology & Toxicology  (v.1;2001)
1472-6793BMC Physiology
1471-2229BMC Plant Biology
1471-2393BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
1753-6561BMC Proceedings
1471-244XBMC Psychiatry
2050-7283BMC Psychology
1471-2458BMC Public Health
1471-2466BMC Pulmonary Medicine
1756-0500BMC Research Notes
2520-1026BMC Rheumatology
2052-1847BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation  (v.1;2009)
1472-6807BMC Structural Biology
1471-2482BMC Surgery
1752-0509BMC Systems Biology
1471-2490BMC Urology
1746-6148BMC Veterinary Research
1472-6874BMC Women's Health
0959-8138The BMJ  (v.1;1840)
1757-790XBMJ Case Reports
1752-8526BMJ Clinical Evidence  (v.2003;2003)
2059-7908BMJ Global Health
2632-1009BMJ Health & Care Informatics
2632-6140BMJ Neurology Open
2516-5542BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health
2044-6055BMJ Open
2052-4897BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care
2054-4774BMJ Open Gastroenterology
2397-3269BMJ Open Ophthalmology
2399-6641BMJ Open Quality  (v.1;2012)
2052-4439BMJ Open Respiratory Research
2055-7647BMJ Open Sport — Exercise Medicine
2399-9772BMJ Paediatrics Open
2633-1462Bone & Joint Open
2046-3758Bone & Joint Research
2090-2999Bone Marrow Research
2352-1872Bone Reports
2095-4700Bone Research
2047-6396BoneKEy Reports
2051-6673Borderline Personality Disorder and Emotion Dysregulation
1512-8601Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences
1817-406XBotanical Studies
2162-3279Brain and Behavior
2398-2128Brain and Neuroscience Advances
2394-8108Brain Circulation
2632-1297Brain Communications
2158-0014Brain Connectivity
2198-4018Brain Informatics
2213-6304Brain Plasticity
2076-3425Brain Sciences
2288-2405Brain Tumor Research and Treatment
0006-8977Brain, Behavior and Evolution
0102-7638Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery  (v.28;2013)
0100-879XBrazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research
1517-8382Brazilian Journal of Microbiology
1413-3555Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy
1516-4446Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry
0960-9776The Breast : Official Journal of the European Society of Mastology
1178-2234Breast Cancer : Basic and Clinical Research
1179-1314Breast Cancer : Targets and Therapy
1465-5411Breast Cancer Research : BCR
1661-3791Breast Care
1556-8253Breastfeeding Medicine
1344-7610Breeding Science
1467-5463Briefings in Bioinformatics
2041-2649Briefings in Functional Genomics
The British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review  (v.1;1799)
1743-9868The British and Irish Orthoptic Journal
0007-0882The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science
0007-0920British Journal of Cancer
0306-9443The British Journal of Cancer. Supplement
0306-5251British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
0960-1643The British Journal of General Practice  (v.;1985)
0007-1161The British Journal of Ophthalmology
2049-4637British Journal of Pain  (v.1;2007)
0007-1188British Journal of Pharmacology  (v.1;1946)
0007-1285The British Journal of Radiology
0306-3674British Journal of Sports Medicine  (v.1;1964)
0007-1420British Medical Bulletin
1478-4726British Paramedic Journal
2322-2522Bulletin of Emergency & Trauma
0042-9686Bulletin of the World Health Organization
0510-8659Bulletin of the World Health Organization. Supplement
2321-3868Burns & Trauma
